DFV Live List

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the DFV Live List?

  • The DFV Live List online application provides a secure and consistent approach to manage court lists for DFV matters at participating Magistrates Courts in Queensland, supporting the smooth and safe running of the court.
  • The application helps DFV stakeholders work together to improve court users' access to justice services, also improving victim safety, and generally supporting the efficient and streamlined operation of the court.
  • The DFV Live List can be accessed by authorised court stakeholders including Police Prosecutors, court reception workers, duty lawyers, DFV specialist service providers and Magistrates Court Services Registry staff at participating Magistrates Courts in Queensland.
  • Private lawyers engaged directly by aggrieved or respondent parties do not use the DFV Live List.
  • The new DFV Live List will initially be used at Beenleigh Specialist DFV Magistrates Court, replacing a trial version of the application. Pending funding, the system may be used by other Specialist DFV Magistrates Courts and selected Magistrates Courts in Queensland.
  • Once you have registered, actual DFV Live List access is granted for one or more days at a time; i.e., for DFV court stakeholders who will be at court on particular day/s or over a planned period.
  • For example, Duty Lawyers will typically be given access on the day prior to check conflicts, and on the day of planned duty at court to update duty lawyer status details of parties.
  • A new access request is required for each access period, via the Create Access Request login step.
  • Once your access request has been approved by the registry you will receive a confirmation email - return to the browser and refresh or login to access the DFV Live List.
  • Yes, the DFV Live List has a device responsive layout and will adjust the relevant view to the screen size - for example, on smart phones, the stakeholder view will list matters with details shown vertically.
  • Modern web interface; enhanced party and Duty Lawyer search feature.
  • Hover over notes icon to view note text at a glance.
  • Party details for Aggrieved and Respondent managed in separate forms - matter vs party with the ability to capture more party details.
  • If you are not a Queensland Government staff member, to access the Live List you must have registered for a QGov or myGovID account with 100 points of identification to confirm your digital identity.
  • Queensland Government staff members can login to the DFV Live List using the Qld Government staff single sign-on button, via Microsoft Office 365, without needing to register via QGov or myGovID.
  • To meet Queensland Government system security requirements, improved user access management has been enabled in the new DFV Live List, requiring non-Queensland Government court stakeholders to validate their identity via QGov Identity or myGovID identity providers prior to gaining access.
  • QGov identity and myGovID are both easy to use and secure services used to prove who you are online, and enable you to access other Government services with a single login. They are online document verification systems which cross-check the personal information and reference numbers of ID documents against existing government records.
  • You have a choice of which identity provided to use.
  • You may have already registered with QGov or myGovID to access other government services.
  • For more information on each identify provider, click the following links: QGov Identity; myGovID
  • Only your name, email and organisation will be held within the DFV Live List for contact purposes (confirmation of access provisioning).
  • No personal information provided to the digital identity broker is shared from QGov or myGovID to the DFV Live List.